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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

In my 2 years of motherhood, I've learned a lot:
Sometimes you have to do what's best for you and your child, not what's best for everybody else. I've made many decisions that people may not agree with. I encouraged co-sleeping, we did not use the CIO method, and I will not spank.
Spending time with your children is more important than spending money on them. Sure, it's nice to spend money, but they will remember the memories you share far more than the money spent.
You will never have this day again with your children. We've hit the toddler stage and everyday is unpredictable. There are going to be bad days just as there are going to be good ones, but breathe and notice that today is a gift.
The best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other. This is probably the best advice I was given and it makes total sense. Children will watch the way their parents treat each other and they will one day grow up to reenact the same behavior they were taught.
When in doubt, choose the kids, there will be plenty of time later to choose to work. I've actually refereed to this when thinking about taking a more heavier work load and by far, choosing to spend quality time with my girl was far more rewarding.
Kaelyn Elizabeth, my greatest wish is that you always know how much I love you, and you walk through your life knowing that I'll always be there for you whenever you need me.
Love, Mommy
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