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Friday, November 9, 2012

Be Thankful

With Thanksgiving approaching, I've been thinking about what all I am thankful for. Sometimes we can get so caught up in life and we don't take time to realize what we have, instead we think about what we don't have. I myself am guilty of this.
What I am thankful for:
1) The laundry piles, because that means I have clothes
2) My husband being lazy on the couch, because that means he is home with me and not out at the bars
3) The 13 hour shifts I work, because that means that I have a job and get 4 days off to be with my family
4) My daughter being overly attached to me, because that means I have a child and many people can't have any children
5) The high gas prices, because that means I have a car to put gas in
6) My dirty house, because that means we have a roof over our heads
7) For the alarm that goes off in the early morning because it means I am alive
Do I take time to be thankful everyday? No. With working in medical, I see some serious situations. Those are always the ones that make me realize, I have a wonderful life. My husband provides for us and Bug is healthy. So maybe your hair isn't looking good or your spouse is simply getting on your nerves, take time to be thankful for the little things in life, because some people are wishing for what you already have.
Yesterday while I was at home, I heard this loud bang. It nearly scared the crap out of me, so I called Matt. Then, it happened again. I'm a really big baby, so I didn't go to see what it was. Once Matt came home, he walked in and said "Call our insurance company, we have to file a claim." I walked into the garage and saw this..

Yup, that's right. The shelving in our garage feel onto our car cracking the windshield and leaving dents on the roof of the car. That explains the loud nose I heard. I was so upset with myself because I was contemplating on heading to the grocery store or not, but it was Bugs' nap time, so I figured I wouldn't go. I would much rather open my garage to broken stuff then my car like this. This is 3 days before we pay $500 for my root canal that my insurance is not paying for and 4 days before we have our $400 car payment due. Now, here goes another $500 towards our car insurance deductible.
I had just posted this picture on Instagram hours before the car incident. Didn't I just spend a week thinking about everything I was thankful for and now this? Seriously? Yup, that's life. When the going gets good, something always seems to happen, but it could be worse. I could have gotten in a car accident, my daughter could have a cronic illness, my husband could up and leave us and the list goes on and on. After all this I am thankful that we atleast have car insurance because we would be in trouble and we luckily got a rental care since we have rental coverage as well. I'm not too happy about dishing out more money, but it could be worse, right?

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