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Monday, August 12, 2013

Teen Mom

I remember being 8 months pregnant and somebody called me a teen mom. Yes, I was 19 years old and pregnant, but have you seen the show Teen Mom? As I took extreme offense to this, the majority of those girls don't have their lives together. I always wanted to be a young mom, why? It's just what I envisioned as I don't believe age defines how you are as a parent and there are pros and cons at any age.

Being a young mom, I got many glares, especially to see my wedding finger, I was asked if my pregnancy was planned and I was told on numerous occasions that I was a baby having a baby. I was beginning to realize that I was being stereotyped as  'Teen Mom'. And I didn't like it. At all.

As I got further into my pregnancy, I learned to grow a backbone. Who were these people to judge me? They had no idea who I was. Seeing a young woman, pregnant, automatically they get a bad reputation. And to be honest, it really sucks.
Being stereotyped isn't fun. And starting out as a young mother was a challenge for me, but I wouldn't change anything. Some ask me Well don't you wish that you would have finished college? Don't you wish that you would have waited?
Not one bit, my daughter is my world and she has taught me so much at such a young age.
I know that I was meant to be a mother and I we will have more children despite of what people think of my age.

Why I love being a young mom
  •  I have so much energy at the age of 21
  • I don't feel that my "time is ticking" when it comes to having kids
  • I get more years to love on my children
  • Your body can adjust easier when you're young rather than older
I've accepted the fact that I will get glares, I will get those stupid questions and people will say the rudest comments, but who cares, I love my daughter unconditionally and nobody could ever question that.
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1 comment:

  1. Those people who say such comments are just ignorant. Personally, I love being a young mom because of the reasons you posted but also because when my girls head off to college, we'd still be young enough to enjoy our lives! I'll be 40-42 when the girls go off to college and won't be tired of life if I were to wait to have kids until early 30's!
