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Friday, July 12, 2013

Flashback Friday: Bugs' Delivery

It was June 15, 2011 at 8:00am and we were at the specialist preparing from my amniocentesis. A few weeks prior, my OB told me if I want any chance of a vaginal birth, Bug needed to come soon because her size was already large enough and I wouldn't be able to delivery a big baby due to my narrow pelvis. At 36 weeks, my belly measured 41 weeks! The specialist laid me down and got the needle ready, her assistant placed the ultrasound on my belly to see where Bug was. As soon as she placed the needle in me, Bug jumped to the opposite side of my belly. She took fluid out which was going to be tested to see if her lungs were developed, if they were, we would be having a baby the next day.
I went home while Matt headed to work and I sat by the phone all morning waiting for that phone call. 3:00pm rolls around and I'm still wondering what is going on, then Matt calls and says "Pack our bags, the doctor called and said Bugs' lungs are developed and you're getting induced tonight!" I have never been so excited and scared at the same time. We were finally going to have our rainbow baby!
A "rainbow baby" is a baby that is born following a miscarriage or still birth.
While I was excited, our house was a complete disaster and I only had 2 hours before we had to head to the hospital! Luckily, my aunt came over to help me pack and clean up.
We headed to the hospital at 5:00pm with an endless amount of bags and baby stuff. As we were checking in, I was reminded that I could not eat anything past midnight. Um, that's great because I haven't eaten all day. So I sent the hubby out to get food (that's what they're there for, right?) and he got Taco Bell. Really, Taco Bell? Do you know I'm about to push out a baby tomorrow and my last meal will be Taco Bell?!  Being the starving pregnant woman that I was, I scarfed it down and changed into my oh so beautiful gown.
At 37 weeks exactly
I got comfy in my big hospital bed while the nurse came in to do my IV. Ugh, I wasn't scared about a painful birth, I was scared of my IV! I cringed for dear life and when she was done I said "Um, something doesn't feel right about this IV." she replied "Oh honey, it's fine." and walked out. Yeah, sure, just ignore me. Seconds later my arm started to swell, what do ya know, she missed my vein. Yeah, can I get a new nurse?
My family later came to visit and tried to calm my nerves down. How do you stay calm when you're about to have a baby! Before I knew it, it was 10:00pm and my husband was snoozing. A man can sleep whenever, wherever, must be nice! My new nurse brought me some sleeping medicine because I tried counting sheep and that wasn't working. She told me to give it at least an hour to kick in. 2 hours rolled by and I was wide awake. I said "Why am I still awake" she said "The medicine doesn't work on some people." really?!?!
It's 7:00am and my OB comes in, let me say, I had the BEST OB doctor there is, Matt and I absolutely LOVE her! She breaks my water and I remember seeing Matt's face, I wasn't sure if he would be able to stomach everything, but he did.
I look terrible in this picture, but I was laboring. That's my excuse! And if you couldn't tell already, I was very swollen.
Contractions start and after every one, more of my water came out. If this grosses you out, you probably shouldn't have kids ; ) My aunt was rubbing my feet, my dad was rubbing my back and my husband was pacing back and forth. I had never seem him so nervous before.
And then I remembered, I ate Taco Bell last night. I have to go to the bathroom before this baby comes because I sure as heck am not going to go on myself. I could see it now, my husband saying during delivery, "Oh babe, you pooped on yourself!" yeah, not happening.
I was at 4cm and feeling more pain, I knew when the contractions were coming by the monitor. I decided to get an epidural before the pain got too unbearable. I heard all these horror stories about how painful the epidural is. Let's just say I had to ask my anestheologist if that was it, it's really not bad at all!
I laid there helpess in my bed, can't move my legs or do anything, all I thought about was I'm going to be a mommy and no matter what pain I endured, it would all be worth it. I look at the clock, it said 1:00pm and my gut told me, she will be here by 3:00pm. An hour went by and I had not progressed from the 2 hours. I expected this just because my pelvis is narrow and this baby is so big!
We talked with my OB about waiting or opting for a c-section. My mind went back and forth, either I wait and we could have complications with a vaginal devlivey or I lay on an operating table and get cut open. Neither seemd promising, but I felt a c-section would be best.
I cried, cried and cried some more. This was it, no going back now. I was wheeled out of my room followed by many kisses from our family and a kiss from my husband who would soon follow. They prepared everythig for me in the operating room and eventually got Matt. The blue drape went up and the doctors got to work. I kept talking to Matt so that my mind would stay busy and I wouldn't focus on what was going on, he looked over the drape and I saw his face, pale white, I said "Don't you dare tell me what you saw!" and he didn't. About 30 minutes go by and a nurse comes in, "The family in the waiting room wants to know what the status is." talk about inpatient! My OB said that Bug was far from where she needed to be to proceed with a vaginaly delivery, so I was relived that I did not go that route. I felt lots of pressure and then I heard a cry. The best sound I have ever heard in my life, at 2:59pm Bug was here weighing 8lbs 2 ozs and 20 inches long. The wait was over, my heart had melted, no longer would I fear a miscarriage, she was right where she needed to be, in my arms.

When times seem too hard to bear and I feel like giving up
I vision your beautiful face, the twinkle of your eyes and things of such
The bond we created from my womb to the day you were born
Is a mother and daughter bind that can never be torn
With the strength and guidance of God and the blessings he pours down from above
I want to be the best mom I can be to you and embrace you with all my love
You are as precious as a flower and as gorgeous as a rose
You have been specially made to the very tip of your nose
You are as sweet as honey; such an innocent young child
You are brighter than any star in the sky every time you smile
I want you to be proud of who you are and strive to be the best
Put forth your efforts to achieve your goals and let God do the rest
I will always be your mother first, but I'm also your friend
Your are the most precious gift, that I've ever been given

With All My Love,


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