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Monday, July 15, 2013

Super Mom

I want to do it all, work full-time, stay at home with Bug, have a spotless house, make all my meals homemade, workout at least 4 times a week and have a date night once a week or every other week. Sounds like a lot, huh?
There are some moms who make everything look easy. They're the ones who always seem so calm and organized, even as they’re running in a million different directions. We look at those moms and often ask ourselves, “How does she do it?” Well, here’s a little secret: If you’re a mom who is reading this sentence, then you can bet that somewhere, at some time, someone has seen those qualities in you. That’s because every mom has unique talents, whether it’s knowing how to build a volcano for the science fair, roast the perfect Thanksgiving turkey or simply balance her own checkbook. The problem with most of us moms is that we’re often quick to recognize the talents of others, while magnifying our own faults. The reality is that every mom leads a hectic and busy life, but each has her own way of keeping it all under control. 
My greatest talent is, I can have the cleanest house. Having a messy house, is my biggest pet peeve of them all. It's like a terrible itch that I can't reach. Seeing laundry piles, dishes, dirt on the floor, trash needing to be taken out and etc. bothers me like you wouldn't believe, but truth be told, I don't always feel like cleaning, sometimes I want to forget about the mess and just spend time with my family. I have to let it go and not stress about it. I once read something that said "Please excuse the mess, the children are making memories." and that stuck with me. Children will not remember the spotless house you had or all the homemade meals you made, but the quality time that was spent with them. And so this is a challenge for myself, I will try to let go of this ( a little). After all,
The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow,
But children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

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